HubSpot Solutions Partner Certification

HubSpot Solutions Partner Certification

You’re about to close your exploratory call. Based on what you’ve learned from the prospect, they are a great fit for working with your organization and they seem excited about inbound marketing. The CEO of the company asks you to create a proposal for their team because they couldn’t all be on the call. What should you do?

Because they seem like a good fit for your organization and for an inbound retainer, agree to create the proposal.

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HubSpot Solutions Partner Certification

You open a connect call with an inbound lead with the following sound bite: “Hello, this is Samantha from Inbound Pros. The reason I’m calling is that I got a note that you downloaded an ebook on content marketing from our website this morning. Does that ring a bell? I was calling to follow up and see how I might be of assistance.” What should you do next?

Based on what they downloaded, offer another content offer. Start a dialogue and ask what they were looking for help

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HubSpot Solutions Partner Certification

A colleague sends you a link to a company that they think would be a good fit for services with your organization. You start looking at the company’s website, and you notice they meet a lot of the secondary criteria of the prospect fit matrix, but they aren’t capturing leads through their website and they don’t sell something that involves a considered purchase process. Based on the prospect fit matrix, is this company a good fit for an inbound retainer?

• Yes. Both the primary and secondary criteria is important in determining prospect fit, and since the company meets the

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