HubSpot Client Management Certification Exam Answers 2023

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Check out some following HubSpot Client Management Certification Exam Answers:

Fill in the blank: While all stages of the client lifecycle are important, the _________ stage is especially critical because it’s the first time you’re engaging with a client after they sign on with your agency.

  • onboarding
  • post-onboarding and continuing client management
  • renewal
  • ongoing management
  • ending retainer

True or false? During the onboarding stage, you should give your client all the information and next steps they need for the entire retainer in one meeting.

  • True – you should always provide all information in the very beginning to help ease any anxiety your client has about the relationship.
  • True – by providing all the information in the first meeting, you’ll reduce the need to meet again during the onboarding phase, saving both you and your client time.
  • False – instead of giving all information in one meeting, spread it out during the first few weeks. This will help keep your clients from getting overwhelmed.
  • False – avoid giving any extra information to your client unless they specifically ask. This will prevent any unnecessary confusion.

Fill in the blank: During the ____________ stage, clients are expecting to see results, so make sure you share quick wins and performance improvements.

  • onboarding
  • post-onboarding and continuing client management
  • renewal
  • ongoing management
  • ending retainer

Why is documenting your client lifecycle process important?

  • It helps you review what is and isn’t working in your client journey
  • It makes employee onboarding and communicating to clients easier
  • It makes the client lifecycle process more streamlined
  • All of the above

Which of the following is NOT a step to optimizing your onboarding process?

  • Collect information about your current onboarding process
  • Review and workshop the onboarding process
  • Update your existing onboarding process
  • Send your updated onboarding process to all your clients

True or false? In order to review and workshop your onboarding process, you need to get all stakeholders in a meeting to review the current process and identify what works and what doesn’t.

  • True
  • False

What are some of the ways to use automation in your onboarding process?

  • Use the HubSpot meeting tool to make it easier to schedule client calls
  • Create email templates in HubSpot Sales for your account manager to use with their clients
  • Create email sequences to automate communication to your clients
  • All of the above

True or false? Debrief your past onboarding experiences to understand what worked well and what didn’t.

  • True – set a meeting with all your past clients to learn what you could have improved on.
  • True – have an internal meeting for each client moving forward to determine how you can improve the process.
  • False – only debrief your best clients, since this would be too laborious to do for every client.
  • False – only debrief clients who cancel their engagement with you, since these are clients you can learn from.

True or false? Ongoing client management means simply providing constant communication to your clients.

  • True
  • False

Fill in the blank: A ____________ is a great way to perform health checks with your clients.

  • Net Promoter Score survey
  • service level agreement
  • business one-page questionnaire
  • renewal call

True or false? You only need to run a post-call debrief after a cancellation call, not a renewal call.

  • True
  • False

True or false? It’s important to adopt soft skills to align with your client on a personal level.

  • True – finding areas of commonality will help you establish trust early on and open the conversation with your client.
  • True – the most important thing is to make sure your client sees you as a friend. If your client likes you, they’re less likely to fire you.
  • False – a client is paying you to provide a service, not be their friend. As long as you get the work done, you don’t need to worry about building a relationship.
  • False – avoid talking to your client about anything besides work, since this ends up wasting valuable time.

All of the following are best practices for ongoing client management, EXCEPT:

  • Schedule calls and create call agendas
  • Avoid making your client interactions touchless where possible
  • Be a brand advocate for your client
  • Help negotiate for your client’s needs

Fill in the blank: An account manager should be continually reviewing their client’s account and performing _________ throughout the client’s lifecycle.

  • health checks
  • renewal calls
  • goal setting
  • alerts

What are some negative signals to look out for from your client?

  • A drop in tool usage
  • Skipping your check-in meetings
  • A bad attitude
  • All of the above

Your client has expressed concern at you not meeting their digital marketing goals. They expected their sales to grow by 15% and you only achieved a growth of 10%. They’re starting to question whether inbound is the right way to go for their business and you’re unsure whether they will renew or cancel. How should you grade this client’s health?

  • Red – the client is most likely going to cancel. Prepare your cancellation call with the marketing manager, notify HubSpot, and pass their contact details on to your HubSpot account manager.
  • Orange – there’s potential for the client to renew or cancel. Even though you’ve seen an improvement in performance, you need to come up with a plan to improve results even more.
  • Green – you’re confident the client will definitely upgrade or renew. While the client has expressed some concerns, you’ve still improved their performance.
  • None of the above – you don’t have enough information at this point to grade the client’s health.

All of the following are best practices for growing your existing client relationships, EXCEPT:

  • Keep track of events that are important to your client
  • Understand your client’s goals and perform ongoing reporting
  • Regularly review the client’s account with your internal team and client
  • Adopt a quick wins approach by performing out-of-scope requests

True or false? Upsells should only happen during the renewal call.

  • True – you shouldn’t bring up any upsell opportunities until the renewal, since this will just distract your client.
  • True – upsells only happen during a renewal, since a client is never willing to pay more for something once they already have a retainer.
  • False – upsells can happen at any time, you should always be looking for opportunities to add more value for the client.
  • False – upsells should only happen during monthly or quarterly client reviews. You don’t want to distract from the renewal by presenting new ideas.

True or false? When a client asks you to complete tasks outside the scope of the retainer, you should always agree to do them. You want to keep the client happy, even if that means spending more time than they’re paying for.

  • True
  • False

When identifying which clients are a good-fit for upselling, all of the following criteria is important, EXCEPT:

  • A client with only 20-50 employees
  • A client who represents the type of account your agency wants to work with
  • A client with specific business goals
  • A client who is financially stable